For further information related to Argentinian events, contact the Coordinator:
Prof. Grigera Raul
Asociacion Fisica Argentina (AFA) 59-789,
c.c. 565, B1900BTE La Plata, Argentina
tel: + 54 221 425 49 04/+54 221 423 32 83 • fax: +54 221 425 73 17
1st August 2005: "50th Anniversary of Instituto Balseiro",
Bariloche, Argentina
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Centennial of the First Institution devoted to Physics in Latin America: the Institute of Physics of La Plata (now Department of Physics of the University of La Plata).
50th anniversary of the ‘Instituto Balseiro’, S.C. Bariloche.
5th anniversary of the International Auger Laboratory, Malargüe, Mendoza.
20th anniversary of the Department of Physics University of Bahia Blanca.
25th anniversary of the Institute of Physics of Liquids and Biological Systems (IFLYIB), La Plata
In commemoration of this years, we are about to film "The Physics", an scene of a book of B. Brecht.
Albert Einstein said:
"Scientists should find time and courage in order to valuate with criticism and calm their situation and their obligations. Thus, they will increase in a great way the hope of finding right and fair solutions for the international situation."
"The Physicians" is a scene from the movie "Dread and Miserys", made by the Tandil-Viedma Independent Film Group (Argentina), adapted from the Brecht´s play. In particular, this scene shows with rawness how two scientists struggle between the convinience of serve a vicious regimen, and the possible salvation with the exercise of the human thought.
Launching of the World Year of Physics. March 14 (anniversary of the birth of Einstein). Commemoration in several cities. Central activity: La Plata – Academic Ceremony and Theatre performance ‘Personally Einstein’.
100th anniversary of the physics department of Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Buenos Aires:
Physics Talent search:
"Buenos Aires piensa en el Año Internacional de la Física"
November 8-11, 2005
Talks, posters and information on physics for a general public
more on
Along the year
Issue of comemorative stamps
Educational Calendar on the world year of physics. Committee for the Centennial Anniversary of the Physics Department La Plata.
Conferences on Physics for the general public. Every Thursday starting in March. Centro cultural Borges, Buenos Aires. AFA (sec Buenos Aires) Fundación Antorchas.
Astrophysics for the Blind. Publication of two books on Astronomy and Physics for blind and visually handicapped people. School of Elementary and SpecialEducation of the University of Cuyo and Pierre Auger Laboratory.
Itinerant exhibitions with demonstrations at high schools. Committee for the Centennial Anniversary of the Physics Department La Plata
Itinerant Physics Museum Exhibition. Committee for the Centennial Anniversary of the Physics Department La Plata.
TheNobel Prize in Physics Special Bilingual Exhibition (open to visitors all the year). Pierre Auger Laboratory
The principles of physics. A book illustrated by humorists. Committee for the Centennial Anniversary of the Physics Department La Plata.
First Digital Planetarium in West Argentina, for the general public, teaching and technical training center. Pierre Auger Laboratory.
Temporary exhibition on the history of physics in La Plata. Committee for the Centennial Anniversary of the Physics Department La Plata.
History of Physics in Argentina . Book to be published by the. Argentinean Physics Association (AFA).
Educational video of the Auger Observatory, Cinema Team of the National University of Cuyo
Conference cycle of Physics for the general public. National University of Tucumán.
Weekly talk on Physics at High Schools of the region. University of Tucumán.
Theatre performance of different plays related to Physics. (Tucumán, Salta, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Bahia Blanca, and other cities).
The Schools of the Cuyo Region and The Physicists. Visits to schools of the Cuyo Region that have been named after physicists. Workshops of teachers and students leaded by physicist. Pierre Auger Laboratory, Malargüe.
Dated Meetings
March 2005 Collaboration Meeting. The Pierre Auger Laboratory. Malargüe
3rd. Regional Workshop on Statistical Physics and application to Condensed Matter. (III TREFEMAC). La Plata, July
90 National Meeting of the Argentinean Physical Society-La Plata, September
Meeting of Ibero American leaders of Physics association. The Physics in Iberoamerican its Present and the Future. La Plata, September
"35 anniversary of Hyperfine Interactions at La Plata" • 7-10 November
First meeting of the Argentinean Association of Crystallography, La Plata, September.
11 th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity Cataratas del Iguazú/Foz de Iguazú, Argentina/Brazil, September
A Regional Science Fair - Pierre Auger Observatory in Malargüe, Mendoza, November.
Biennial of Science (2005 devoted to Physics). Scientific Council of the Province of Buenos Aires (CIC), La Plata, November.
- IX Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena LAWNP'05,
San Carlos de Bariloche October 23 al 28.
Still undated
Physics Education. A joint meeting of the Argentinean Physics Teacher Association (APFA) and Argentinean Physics Association (AFA),
Homage to Emil Bose, the first Director of the Institute of Physics of La Plata. Department of Physics, La Plata.