
For further information related to Tanzanian events, contact the Coordinator:
Prof. M.E. Samiji
University of Dar-es-Salaam
Physics Department
P.O. Box 35063 Dar es Salaam Tanzania
tel/fax: +255 22 2410 258
Email: samiji@udsm.ac.tz


  • Local and itinerant exhibits on physics and its achievements

  • Actions in secondary schools, universities, national and research institutions - interdisciplinary conferences, workshops or symposia (mathematics, chemistry, biology...)

  • Interaction with local industry, technology parks etc.

  • Advertising material for WYP: articles in newspapers and specialized magazines, posters in public area and transportation systems (train, buses, daladala), emission of special stamps, etc.

  • The Department of Physics, and the Faculty of Science as a whole, will in a very special manner commemorate her 40 years since establishement.

  • It is planned that the Inauguration of Tanzania Physical Society is synchronized with WYP. The Inauguration will attract secondary school physics teachers to converage to University of Dar-es-Salaam, which is the only higher learning institution that teaches physics in the country